牛剑教授线上科研——从 0 到 1 :如何*商业机会建立初创企业

项目背景 Program Background



Business opportunities, no matter how big or small, must be profitable opportunities in an economic sense. Business opportunities are represented by the unbalanced state of time, place, cost, quantity and object in the way the demand is generated and satisfied. As old business opportunities disappear, new ones will appear. Without business opportunities, there would be no "trading" activity. The reason why a startup company can be successful, on the one hand, it needs to seize the business opportunity, on the other hand, it needs to develop a reasonable development strategy.

This topic focuses on how to develop a new product or service idea and concept into a new type of startup that can be invested in. Students will be taught the analytical tools to assess the potential of a startup, including identifying, evaluating, and determining whether a field is worth starting and whether a startup is worth investing in. In the group project, students will put forward an idea, and use the business model to improve the idea, formulate development strategy, write financing reports, including business plan, feasibility analysis report, investment value analysis report, project data analysis report, etc., to successfully "sell" the enterprise to investors. The topics involved in this topic mainly include: idea-generating ideas, business model analysis, market research, customer exploration, competitiveness analysis, and business resources development and utilization.

项目介绍 Program Description


★ 研究创业者如何抓住商业机会创造社会价值

★ 探讨初创企业如何制定商业发展战略

★ 市场调研及企业竞争力分析

★ 评估和定义企业投资风险

The main objectives of the project include:

★ Study how entrepreneurs seize business opportunities to create social value

★ Explore how start-ups develop business development strategies

★ Market research and enterprise competitiveness analysis

★ Assess and define business investment risk

适合人群 Targeting Students







High school and college students

Subject area: Organizational Management/Information Management System/Marketing/Entrepreneurship

Students who want to improve their knowledge level and academic ability; Students who have the intention to study abroad, participate in independent recruitment selection, cross-professional further study or plan to enter a prestigious university

Competitive advantage: Enhance your competitiveness by obtaining personal letters of recommendation from professors and publishing in academic journals

Essay ability: To improve the quality of application documents and English essay writing ability by writing personal research reports under the guidance of professors and teaching assistants

Adapt to the environment: Prospective students who are interested in the classes of famous overseas universities or have received an admission letter from overseas universities and want to bridge the gap between Chinese and foreign academic systems in advance

参考教授 Professor Introduction


Professor Lawrence


Professor of Strategic Management, Said Business School, Oxford University


He is a leader in development research strategy and organizational theory, which combines a cultural understanding of organizations, industries, and fields with a focus on the role of individuals and organizations in creating change. This work has appeared in major organizational and strategy journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, School of Management Journal, School of Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Organizational Studies, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of Human Relations and Management. He is also co-editor of the Second edition of the Sage Handbook for Organizational Studies, The Work of Institutions: Actors and Institutions in Organizational Institutional Studies, and the second edition of the Sage Handbook on Organizational Institutionalism.

研究领域Research field:

•      Strategic management战略管理

•      Institutional theory制度理论

•      Social innovation 社会创新

•      Power and politics in organisations组织中的权力和政治

•      Language and culture in organisations 组织中的语言和文化

任职学校 University


牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称“牛津”(Oxford),位于英国牛津,世界**的公立研究型大学,采用书院联邦制。



The University of Oxford (Oxford), referred to as "Oxford", is located in Oxford, England, the world's top public research university, using the college federal system.

The exact date of the establishment of Oxford University is unknown, but the earliest teaching time is clearly recorded in the archives as 1096, after which the rapid development of the British royal family in 1167. The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the second oldest surviving institution of higher education in the world. The school has emerged a group of leading scientific giants, trained a large number of pioneering art masters, heads of state, including 28 British Prime Ministers and dozens of heads of state, political and business leaders around the world. Oxford University in mathematics, physics, medicine, law, business and other fields has a high academic status and extensive influence, is recognized as one of the world's top institutions of higher education. Since 1902, the University of Oxford has also established the Rhodes Scholarship for undergraduates from all over the world. As of March 2019, there are 72 Nobel Prize winners (9th in the world), three Fields Medal winners (20th in the world) and six Turing Award winners (9th in the world) among Oxford's alumni, professors and researchers.

In 2019-2020, the University of Oxford was ranked 1st in the world in the World University Rankings and ranked 1st in the world for four consecutive years in the World University Rankings from 2017-2020.

项目大纲 Syllabus

  • Idea Generation and Evaluation for First-Time Entrepreneurs 想法的生成及对初期企业家的评估

  • Developing Value Propositions and Profiling Your Customers 开发其新创企业的价值, 以及分析了解客户的信息

  • Creating Minimum Viable Products to Enables Customer and Market Research 通过开发*小化可行产品以进行客户及市场调研

  • Exploring Customer Channels and Managing Customer Relationships 开拓搜查客户渠道并管理其客户关系

  • Analyzing your Competitive and External Environment 分析要面临的竞争环境和外界因素

  • Summary and Final Presentation,Paper Instruction 学习总结与报告准备,论文指导

时间安排与收获 Schedule and Outcome

  • 在线科研学习+论文辅导学习Online research study + essay tutoring study

  • 教授推荐信 Professor‘s’ recommendation letter

  • EI/CPCI/Scopus索引国际会议论文发表与收录(可用于申请)International conference papers indexed by EI/CPCI/Scopus (available for application)

  • 结业证书 Certificate of completion

  • 学习报告 Study report

项目优势 Program Advantages

1. 师资团队配置高


B. 导师是牛津大学、剑桥大学博士生

C. 班主任负责项目全流程管理

D. 由位于剑桥的英国团队直接提供服务,中方团队配合

2. 小班教学体验

A.10-15人/班,师生比 1:5

B. 国际混合班

C. 可免费试听(*,依情况而定)

D. 学生体验好

3. 项目收获多、性价比高


B. 教授亲笔签名的结业证书

C. 导师签名的学习报告

D. CPCI、EI、国际会议等国际刊物论文全文发表(独立作者、*作者)

4. 推荐信含金量高


B. 电子版推荐信1封

C. 3次网推(如需增加数量,可与教授协商)

D. EDU邮箱/非官方邮箱(可与教授协商)

E. 项目学生确保都有推荐信

5. 提供不*长的录播课程,学生可以任意观看

A. All of the teaching staff are serving Cambridge or Oxford University professors. 
B. The course supervisor is a Cambridge and Oxford Phd Graduate. 
C. There is a separate Course Supervisor responsible for the wider programme management. 
D . Services in the UK are provided directly by the UK team, based in Cambridge, and supported by the Chinese team
2. Small class sizes
A. 10-15 students in a class, teacher ratio 1:5
B. International mixed classes
C.  Free taster session (limited, subject to availability)
D. Good study experience
3. Course and study outputs and outcome
A. A Letter of Recommendation signed by the Professor
B. A Certificate of Completion signed by the Professor
C. Study Report signed by Tutor
D. Full papers published in CPCI, EI, international conferences and other international journals
4. Multiple references
A. The Letter of Recommendation is personalised to the student. 
B. One electronic Recommendation Letter
C. Three on-line recommendation communications from the Professor (negotiable)
D. EDU email/unofficial email (negotiable with the Professor)
E. All students are guaranteed a Letter of Recommendation
5. Unlimited access to course recordings

从 0 到 1 如何*商业机会建立初创企业.png
















  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D